Saturday, October 29, 2011

Who's Who Among the Early Hominins?

Who's Who Among the Early Humans
By Randall Susman
Odyssey: Adventures in Science

We as humans, are considered to have many ancestors, all have something in common but are different. Early humans, in other words our ancestors, are often called "ape-men". Every body structure is different, but most of our ancestors looked alike to apes but walked on 2 legs like humans. The fossil record (where all the fossils are showed and can be compared throughout years) shows both "primitive (ape-like) and advanced (human-like) fossils". Some of the oldest known fossils include the Sahelanthropus, Orrorin and Ardipithecus.

Sahelanthropus was discovered in Chad,2001, its skull is more ape-like than human

Orrorin- found in Kenya and is believed to be the "oldest definitive hominin"- come from about 6.1-5.8 million years ago. Its limb bones show positional behavior: the article suggest this means "the posture and locomotion, the way animals stand and more".

Ardipithecus- from about 4.4million years ago, found in Ethiopia in 1994.
We call out first or earliest ancestors the "Early Homo". Most of the fossils from our early ancestors were discovered in East and South Africa which used to be the center of the Earth. The Homos came from about 2million years ago even though there is some evidence of them being older, it is no evidence that can be proofed. Early Homo are divided into 2 categories, the Homo Habilis and Homo Rudolfensis. Homo Habilis are best known from their fossil found in Tanzania, including a large brain and small, narrow teeth, they are described as more human-like. Their fossils have been found next to stone/working tools and dead animal bones suggesting they were either hunters or as a group went for searches for food. Homo Rudolfensis on the other hand, were found mostly in Northern Kenya having large brains and flat faces. While finding fossils archaeologist must think of 3 other points:
  • "Epoch- a particular period in history, especially the ones considered noteworthy."-Definition from the article: Who's Who Among the Early Hominins?
  • "Taxonomic- having to do with the science of classifying living things." Definition from the article: Who's Who Among the Early Hominins?
  • "Sexual Dimorphism-Difference in size and shape between males and females."Definition from the article: Who's Who Among the Early Hominins?
After all, we have many early ancestors, all coming from a different period and surviving with different techniques. I found it pretty interesting reading about who came before us and differences between separations. The further into the past we go, the harder it is to gather information but every time we find a helpful fossil, we are one step closer to learning about the truth.

Susman, Randal. "'Who's Who Among the Early Hominis?" Odyssey: Adventures in Science Oct. 2009: 
22-25. Print. 

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