Thursday, November 18, 2010


        During November, in humanities classes, 6b had to create their own Island. It was a very interesting experience since we had to do a lot of research and a lot of thinking. The main things that took up most of our time were: researching, drawing, thinking and sharing. We had a lot of instructions and we had to follow them if we wanted to get good grades. The things we had to accomplish were writing the history, making a flag, choosing the language, thinking of why you choose which colors you did on your flag, government, economy, legend, compass rose, physical features, vegetation,agriculture, imports and exports, education and religion. The Island that I created is called Sen Island which mean Dream Island.My Island includes 3 mountains, 2 lakes, 3 rivers, 10 cities, 2 forests, 1 national park, 1 field for our sunflowers and 2 planting fields. My scale was 1cm=20km. My Island is located 40degrees north and 40 degrees west. It is very close to Spain and North America. Making an Island was hard sometimes like when we were making the actual shape and thinking why we did it how we did it. The hardest part was that the Island had to be logical so you had to make sure you knew what you were doing.After, the whole class shared their Islands and we had a time for asking questions. The purpose of making an Island is not only to have fun but to practice our research skills just as well as our presenting skill. The part I liked the most on this project was presenting and seeing everyone's Island and comparing how mine was different. After all, I suggest that if you ever do this, remember that you pick the right location for your Island to be because that is connected to everything else.


  1. I loved your reflection and I think you did the best work! WAY TO GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I like your reflection because it is very detailed and someone who is going to read this is going to understand every single bit of this project.
