Thursday, September 1, 2011

Italy and Germany

Over the past few days my classmates and I have been working on different countries, characteristics and more in humanities. The goal of this project was to give an idea to others about 1 country we have a passport from and one we would like to visit or have a 2nd passport of. The benefit of this for us was that we would learn maybe some information we did not know and also entertain others. I, Alex Lysicanova, was born in Slovakia but am half Slovak half Italian. From these two I chose to do my presentation about Italy because I have a feeling I know more about it and there is more to tell. Secondly I chose Germany because it is one of the countries I have lived in and I think there are many great places to visit, my main goal was to make people interested in Germany and maybe take a trip some day. In my next paragraphs I will talk about these places more intensively. If you are interested on reading or you have to because you are a teacher who is grading then read on and enjoy!
Italy is located in South of Europe and most people refer to it as a boot because its shape it very similar.
The major cities within Italy are Rome, Milan, Turin, Bologna, Venice Vatican city and many more.Here is a map where you can find all these places:

 Italy is not only well-known for its food but also for an important sport event they won in 2006. This even only happens every 4 years and in 2006 Italy won the world cup in soccer. Unfortunately last year they did not play very sufficiently but hopefully during the next years they will do better. Moving on to the population, Italy hold about 61,437,080 people. It is also known to be the 3rd country in Europe having the biggest population. The well-known holidays include:
New-Year's Eve- 1 January
Anniversary of Liberation- 25 April
Ferragosto- 15 August
Christmas- 25 December
The President of Italy is known as Giorgio Napolitano and prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. Italy has been a big part to my life because I have lived there for nearly 4 years and my dads family lives in Italy which is one of the reasons why we always travel there. If you ever decide to visit Italy, go somewhere close to the sea becasue Italy has one of the warmest climates and many features for small kids. The thing I personally like the best about Italian seas is that some random people just walk around selling coconut which is really hard to find in other places and it is really delicious, so if you ever go make sure to order some!
Moving on to Germany, asmost people know the capital is Berlin. This place is known for many different reasons, most of them aren't that good but Berlin is the city where most pregnant teenagers live and many more accidents. Germany it self has very nice shopping malls even thought everything is much more expencisive then in other places. Yes, Germany is extremely organized and has money for evrything but in my perspective the people aren't as kind in every part of Germany. I have my own experiences, I lived in Munich for 5 years and it was a very easy life becasue the government thought of everything for you so I must congratulate them but the people in general were pretty cold hearted.
The flag of Germany loks like this:

Germany is a federal republic meaning that since it is separated into parts every part has a person making choices but then on top of all of those there is the main president/prime minister.
Germany is also known for being the country with the biggest population in Europe, it hold about 80,000,000 people. The places Germany has are absolutely amazing and I can not even mention how may things you should go visit if you go but I will give you some so that you understand what I mean with amazing:

Germans eat many differnt types of sausages and pretzels such as:

All over Germany there is a good way to earn money, which is one of the reasons why they all wear expensive evrything and even act like they are expensive themselves. The Education system for German schols is one of the most strict ones, school ends at 1 but homework take about 2-3 hours.

So after all, living in every country is very exciting and new, and I bet that if you have livedin different countries you know what it feels like. These were the most basic ideas about Italy and Germany, so if you ever go to visit hopefully you will know what to do, where to go and what to eat! ;)

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