Monday, September 19, 2011

Where and Why Did People in the Past Settle?

  Humans haven't just settled in a place for no reason, and if you think so, you are WRONG! To start out with this topic, where do you live? Close to a farm, dessert, forest? Ever thought of why you live where you live? Many reasons can be found, maybe it is because of your parents work, or maybe because it is where your family lives, is it because of religion or economy? Some of these issues were also faced by people in the past, but bigger topics they concentrated on was the topography and climate. People didn't know where they were at those times, because clear maps with all the countries didn't exist yet and they didn't see a reason for why to create them. Maintaining families alive was one of the biggest goals of the citizens/villagers. By doing this they had to think every little detail through, how is the weather in that place? What benefits will we get?

  Topography is all about the surface/physical features of an area, it was beneficial to know the topography of a place for housing and farming. On mountains it is hard to plant and to create a house because the surface may not be the best. Cities now a days have conflicts within them selves, who owes who what? In the past living close to water was very important and has its advantages, first of all for drinking, bathing, and sometimes even fun. The topography affects the climate about 90%, if you are located on top of a mountain, 1,000,000 meters on top of sea level, the climate will be very cold because of the height you are in, the higher you get the colder. Surviving daily life in a different culture also affected where people settled. If there were two cultures or groups of people that disagreed most of the time they might choose not to live any where close to the other culture or on the other hand they might want to settle somewhere close where they can farm or benefit from diverse object than the other group. In 9,000 B.C. was about the first time people settled in a place for a long time to actually have a reason for surviving. Out of the settlements they started getting new ideas and jobs were invented. Of course not the jobs that we have now a days, for example banker, historian and so on, they started very basic, with farmers, weavers and people who enjoyed making pottery. In 3,500 B.C. was the so called "Rise of cities". In this period more groups of people started joining together to create a little village of their own, but not only that, more jobs were invented such as workers, builders, bakers and artist. Moving on from that time of the year, one had to think of what type of living space does he need for him to be successful? A farmer would most likely be found where there is fertile land, water and long growing season. Farms would unlikely be found on mountains because of the steepness but some families decided to live their own life, so by gathering animals and creating a house they could have lived a pretty healthy life. Yaks were one of the most used animals in the past, they can resist harsh climate, provide clothing, shelter, transportation and food.

There are 3 main types of movement:

  • Temporary (Short stays but more times) - For example school
  • Periodic (Stays for a perdio of time but then move)
  • Migration (When you leave permanently)

With the first generations we know of, they didn't necessarily move for religious problems but more for surviving ones. Cultures were a part of their life, yes but other daily routines were counted as more important. Lastly, not only have people moved for necessity, but also for example empires, they have spread around the world and concurred new part to become stronger, but that came later on.As people diffused during all these years they have brought new reasons for us to live where we live. After all in different regions, people lived for different reasons usually including climate and topography, if you ever decide to move, good luck choosing the right place for you be in!

Some occupations:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alex!
    I realy liked how you explained everything in very good detail! I also loved how you use your choice of words!
    In all, GRATE JOBBBB!!!!
