Saturday, September 3, 2011

What is history and Why do we study it?

Have you ever had to answer anything related to history? I think every one has, but the question is have you been able to answer it? If not this the perfect place where to look up what it is. In my humanities class we have been studying about history and brainstorming what it is. Some people find it very boring and hard, yes it can be hard but after all it helps you understand why we are hoe we are.
So what is history?
It is the study about the past, many times people that are amazed by history can go on and become historians or archeologists or anything related to studying something new and old. History also includes major and important events, people and ideas. Important people come from all over the world, some examples are:
  • William Shakespeare
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • George W. Bush
 Is history changeable? Some parts are but only in a way, the prediction way. The things we see we can't change but if for example there is a story about some event and historians have a reason and prediction of what happened, and after 10 years of investigation or maybe even 200 years or maybe just a few weeks later they find out new evidence and their prediction changes, what really happened in the past can not change because it happened but we can not know 100 percent if what we think is real that is why it may keep on changing.
So why the heck do we care and study about history?
Some people find it in fact interesting, others just want to find out how we evolved. Historians and everyone else like to know how we started, changed, improved, came to new ideas and solutions and why. Learning about the past is not only for fun but it also teaches us cultures, what we are, identities, ancestors and most of all, the basic reason most people say is so we don't repeat the same mistakes over again even thought everyone does. And lastly we care about it so that we can see trends and patterns through-out the years.

If we study the past we can learn about people such as:
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
What historians study is for example how these people have changed our lives, how they were different and their accomplishments. Their country where they cmae from is also an important part to the facts becasue this determines which country should be proud of having this person coming from their country.
When you study history you don't only learn facts but you pretty much learn:
  1. How to Problem-Solve
  2. Where to travel and what to visit
  3. How to research and investigate
  4. Critical thinking
  5. How to analyze
  6. Interpret
  7. You will form new ideas
  8. Get new opinions
  9. And lastly create questions which may or may not be answered
One quote I find very interesting about history is:
"There will always be a connection between the way men Late the past and the way in which they contemplate the present."
 What I think it is trying to say is that the way we do and shape this in the present will always have a connection with the past and what was done in tohose days. I agree with this quote becasue even if you just think about your childhood, bad or good (which ever it was) it probably has affected your present.
So after all, we learn about histopry for multiple reasons, sometimes things are harder to remember, or not as intereseting, but what ever you learn about, it has a reason.

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